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The True Gospel of Jesus Christ
Short Answers to Important Questions

Are Believers Eternally Secure?
Yes. Eternal life is living in the never-ending presence of God, now and forever. This life is found only in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:11).  When you trust Christ as Savior, the Spirit of God joins His eternal life inseparably to your new, born again heart (1 Corinthians 3:16). If you have Jesus, you have His life; those who reject Jesus do not have His life (1 John 5:12b). (To read more, Click Here)

Are Believers Righteous?
Yes, believers are fully and forever righteous in their new, born again hearts because Christ lives in them, joined as one to them (Romans 5:17; 8:10b; 2 Peter 1:4). Believers can never sin in their inner spirits because Christ in them can never sin (1 John 3:9). But, believers are still dead because of sin in their outer mortal bodies (Romans 8:10a); this is the reason for walking in faith (Galatians 2:20). (To read more, Click Here)

Should Christians Confess Their Sins?
No, never. Your sins were forever forgiven by God on the Cross of Jesus Christ (Mark 3:28; 1 John 2:2). The purpose of God moving from the Old Covenant Law to New Covenant grace was to end the focus on sin and begin the focus on righteousness. Stop dwelling on sins and start enjoying the righteousness made possible by Christ who lives in you. (Note: 1 John 1:9 was not written to believers; this verse has been misinterpreted for centuries.)

Are We Under the Law?
An emphatic NO. The Law was given only to Israel and was in effect only until Jesus Christ came (Galatians 3:19 - Jesus is the "seed"). After Jesus completely fulfilled the Law for Israel, God replaced it with the New Covenant. The goal under the Law was to be declared righteous before God by one's own effort and compliance to the Law; no one was able to achieve this until Jesus Christ. But, New Covenant grace fulfills the Law because believers are now made completely righteous in their born again hearts by the indwelling presence of the Spirit of God. The Law was external and required works to comply; New Covenant grace is internal where believers lives righteously through Christ in them. (To read more, Click Here)

What is the Difference Between the Old Covenant Law and New Covenant Grace?
The Old Covenant law was self-empowered living based on human effort and compliance. New Covenant grace is God-empowered living made possible because Christ lives in those who trust Him as Savior (Galatians 2:20).

Why Did God End the Law?
God ended the Old Covenant Law because Jesus Christ completely fulfilled the Law by His righteous life. The Law dealt with human compliance; some kept the Law better than others but none kept the entire Law. The Law was given only to Israel as a temporary measure until Christ came to fulfill it. Then God replaced the Law with a better covenant (Hebrews 7:22), one that was based on better promises (Hebrews 8:6). The better promise, under New Covenant grace, is God's Spirit literally inhabiting the hearts of those who believe in Jesus as Savior. The Holy Spirit writes His laws upon the hearts of believers (Hebrews 8:10); the motivation changes from "Don't" to "I don't want to." It is a shift from external rules to internal self-control.

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
You must be baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ Jesus to be saved. Water baptism is a symbol of your death, burial and resurrection with Christ unto new life in Him. But water baptism is not what saves you; it is God's Spirit who saves you.

What is Repentance?
New Testament repentance is turning from unbelief to faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15; John 6:29; Acts 19:4). It's just that simple. Old Testament repentance was turning from sin because under Law you lived by your own merits.

How Can I Turn From Sin (Repent) Before I Become a Christian?
You can't. This is another big myth that is rooted in tradition. Only when you trust Christ as Savior does God give you a new heart and then come to live in you; only then are you able to turn from sin.

Why Do Believers Still Sin?
As a believer, you can still sin in your outer mortal body because it has not yet been redeemed and made righteous like your inner born again heart (Romans 8:10). It is when you try to meet your needs apart from God that you sin. To live righteously, let Christ who lives in you live out His life through you. (To read more, Click Here)

What is Wrong with Religion (Organized Christianity)?
In almost every church on almost every Sunday, the message has to do with how you can live a life pleasing to God. This is what the Apostle Paul warned about (Galatians 3:2,3). It is being saved by faith and then trying to live your life by your own human effort. The life of the believer is living by faith (also called walking in the Spirit). It is Christ in you, living out His righteous life through you (Galatians 2:20).

Who are the True Believers?
True believers, called the Body of Christ, are made up of those who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior; they are both inside and outside of organized Christianity. The Bible is clear that churches will always have a mix of believers and unbelievers, called the "wheat" and the "tares" (Matthew 13:24,25,26,27,28,30). Sadly, the true believers in denominational churches are often poorly taught. There are so many examples of this, one being that most Christians do not understand that they are literally righteous children of God, eternally secure in Him. Christians are usually taught that they are only "credited" or "imputed" with Christ's righteousness, but they remain sinners. (If you are a "sinner," you are not a Christian.) The reason for the confusion in this instance is not understanding the difference between your righteous, born again heart and your not-yet-redeemed outer mortal self. Your inner spirit (heart) lives on into eternity while your mortal body is temporary and will die one day.

Is There Really an Unforgivable Sin?
Yes. It is unbelief in Jesus Christ as Savior. If you reject Jesus, you are also rejecting the eternal life that He alone possesses (1 John 5:12b).

What is the Difference Between "Soul" and "Spirit"?
Your inner "spirit" or "inner man" is the real you and, as a believer, the part of you that has already been redeemed and made righteous. Your spirit will live on into eternity. Your physical body and your mortal mind are temporary; they are called your "mortal flesh" or your "outer man" (2 Corinthians 4:16). Your mortal flesh has not yet been redeemed (Romans 8:10a). Your "soul" is part of your "outer man"; is is the immaterial expression of your mortal mind and body consisting of thoughts, feelings, and personality. Your spirit is always righteous because Christ lives in you (1 John 3:9). Since your soul is not perfect all the time it cannot be the same thing as your spirit.'

How Can I Understand the Bible?
The only way to understand the Bible is to let God, Himself, teach you. Your inner spirit is the part of you that is now alive to God, and the only part of you able to "hear" His voice (Ephesians 1:17,18; Colossians 1:9). Here is a worthwhile prayer: "Lord, open my eyes to your truth so that I can understand what the Bible says." A good perspective is to be willing for God to change your mind about anything at any time. Don't block what God is teaching you by holding onto doctrines and beliefs created by tradition, things that are not even in the Bible.

Why Can't Christians Agree on What the Bible Teaches?
People, for centuries, have tried to understand the Bible with their own human understanding and reasoning. As disagreements began to appear, believers separated from other believers and formed denominations. The Bible says that denominations should not exist; this clear verse is almost never taught in churches: 1 Corinthians 1:10.

Who Was Jesus Here on This Earth?
Although not the mainstream belief, this website believes that Jesus was fully and only human "for a little while" during His time on the earth (Hebrews 2:9). Jesus, the Son of God and Creator of the universe, was fully deity before His time on the earth and He is fully God now. But Jesus emptied Himself (Philippians 2:5,6,7,8) so that He could be like us in every way Hebrews 2:17 (except without sin Hebrews 4:15).

At His baptism, the Holy Spirit came down and entered Jesus to be His power to do the works and miracles of the Father; Jesus did not do His miracles by His own power, He did them by the power of the Father in Him (John 14:10; John 5:30; John 12:49). Now, in the very same way, the Spirit of Jesus comes to live in us to be our power to live righteously and do the works of God (John 15:5). Jesus became like us so that we can live as He did; Jesus did not live a life that is out of reach for us, as so many believe. Instead of being fully God and fully man at the same time, Jesus was, for His brief time on this earth, fully man indwelled by the Holy Spirit. We too, being fully human, are indwelled by the very same Holy Spirit.  (To read more, Click Here)

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