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The True Gospel of Jesus Christ
What You Need to Know About this Website

Here is what is most important: God, Himself, will teach you His truth as found in the Bible. (Read the article on How to Understand the Bible.) Human reasoning can never understand the things of God. If it could, there would not be the hundreds of divisions within the "Christian" church. God teaches you in your born again spirit, the part of you that is already redeemed and alive to God. Your human mind is part of your not-yet-redeemed mortal flesh and is subject to error and misunderstanding.

Don't just believe what you read on this website without asking God if it is true or not. At the same time, don't reject something just because it is not what you have been taught in the past. Our purpose is to help orient you to the basic truths of the Gospel without the many man-made traditions that have been added and passed down through the centuries.

God will teach you His grace, and He will teach you what Jesus Christ accomplished by His life (living by faith, fulfilling the Law by His righteous life), His Cross (God forgave everyone) and His resurrection (death conquered). God will also take away the myths and lies that you have been taught, if you are willing to give them up. You can experience a great sense of freedom when you maintain the attitude that you are willing to let God change your mind about anything, at any time; this can feel like a big risk since most people hang on tightly to their traditional teachings. But, it's worth it!

To learn how to understand the Bible, Click Here.

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Your questions and comments are welcomed. We will make every effort to respond within one or two days.

Robert Olson, Director


God has freely given His grace to all people without cost. Jesus Christ gave His life for you. For this reason, True Gospel Ministries, Inc. does not solicit, nor do we accept, donations. We are a self-funded, independent ministry, not connected to any denomination or group.

True Gospel Ministries, Inc.

True Gospel Ministries, Inc. is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was formed to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Apostles originally taught it. Nothing on this website is new or exclusive to any person or group. There are no new teachings and no new gospels; just what the Bible teaches.

True Gospel Ministries, Inc. is not affiliated with any denomination or group.

All articles are written by Robert Olson.

Unless otherwise noted, scripture quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible Copyright @ 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission ( All passages that are underlined or bolded are by the website author for the purpose of helping the reader understand the important truths in the passage.

About the Website Author - Rob Olson

I have been a "Christian" for 62 years, or maybe it's been only a few years, I am actually not sure which. To me it's a frightening thought. I walked down the aisle of a Baptist church when I was 12 years old and "gave my life" to Christ. I believed in God and believed that Jesus Christ was my Savior. However, religion never really worked for me. About the only thing it did was to make me feel like I could not measure up to being a very good Christian.

One day, about 15 years ago, God used difficult circumstances to force me to lose confidence that I understood anything about Him or the Bible. So I asked God, "Will you start over with me and teach me from the beginning? I will believe what you tell me this time."

God answered that prayer. To my amazement the "Christianity" He taught me did not resemble what I had been taught in church all my life. As I trusted God to teach me, slowly the Bible became clear ... crystal clear. I began to understand things that theologians have been debating for centuries. I knew that this understanding could not be from me but was from God Himself. For much of my life, I had tried to understand the Bible through books, commentaries, and sermons only to end up endlessly confused.

This entire website was written with only a Bible and the frequent prayer, "Lord, open my eyes to your truth." No commentaries or other books were ever consulted. This is why I know that God's truth is available to every believer. The Word of God is not understood by any ability of your human mind or by your motivation to study. The Bible is understood as God opens up His truth to you. He teaches you in your spirit; only then does your human mind begin to understand. People have tried for 2,000 years to understand the Bible with their human minds through diligent study and human reasoning; this has resulted in the many divisions within the Christian religion.

Ephesians 1:17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.

Romans 12:2b ... be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, ...

I sensed something else that was different; there was something alive inside of me. I soon realized that this was Christ living in my born again heart. This is why I do not know if I have been a true believer for 62 years or for about 15 years, but I know that I am now.

God compelled me to give up everything I thought I knew about Jesus and the Bible. This may be the critical issue for you. Will you give up your old beliefs to know the real Jesus Christ? If you don't, your old beliefs will block what God is wanting to teach you. It would be a tragedy to live your entire life being deceived and not knowing the truth. Let God give you understanding.

John 16:13a But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth; ...

Rob Olson

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